Edelweiss Zante Hotel

Immerse yourself in the epitome of luxury at Edelweisszante, your premier destination in Argassi, Zante, Greece. Our hotel redefines elegance and comfort, offering an exquisite escape for discerning travelers.




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Welcome To Almaris

Your Comfort, Our Commitment

Non anim in pariatur in ex excepteur commodo do officia amet incididunt ullamco nostrud aliquip minim magna esse dolore ea quis laborum eiusmod dolore ex pariatur ut cillum non excepteur irure dolore reprehenderit dolor id ut ut in ut occaecat culpa minim dolore elit non ut tempor ut in ex ut tempor eiusmod sunt sunt ut duis aute in occaecat incididunt reprehenderit sit quis incididunt.
5,0 rating based on 1.234 ratings

Experience unparalleled luxury and personalized service at Almaris Hotel, where every stay is a journey into sophistication, comfort, and unforgettable memories.

Donette Fondren
5,0 rating based on 1.234 ratings

Experience unparalleled luxury and personalized service at Almaris Hotel, where every stay is a journey into sophistication, comfort, and unforgettable memories.

Donette Fondren
4,0 rating based on 1.234 ratings

Experience unparalleled luxury and personalized service at Almaris Hotel, where every stay is a journey into sophistication, comfort, and unforgettable memories.

Donette Fondren
4,5 rating based on 1.234 ratings

Experience unparalleled luxury and personalized service at Almaris Hotel, where every stay is a journey into sophistication, comfort, and unforgettable memories.

Donette Fondren
Our Rooms



Deluxe Apartment

5 Guests 50 Square meters
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Loft Apartment

4 Guests 50 sq. meters
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Family Apartment

5 Guests 110 square meters
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Apartment Pool View

3 Guests 45 Square meters
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One Bedroom Apartment Sea View

4 Guests 50 Square meters
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Double Room

2 Guests 35 Feets Size
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Non ullamco magna qui non dolore sit ut proident quis ad ex nisi in esse sed occaecat dolore consectetur tempor nostrud sit laboris in nostrud sed cillum mollit irure excepteur nulla magna cupidatat magna officia eiusmod dolore.

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Non ullamco magna qui non dolore sit ut proident quis ad ex nisi in esse sed occaecat dolore consectetur tempor nostrud sit laboris in nostrud sed cillum mollit irure excepteur nulla magna cupidatat magna officia eiusmod dolore.

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Non ullamco magna qui non dolore sit ut proident quis ad ex nisi in esse sed occaecat dolore consectetur tempor nostrud sit laboris in nostrud sed cillum mollit irure excepteur nulla magna cupidatat magna officia eiusmod dolore.

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